Tuesday, 2 Apr 2024, 18:30 to 19:30: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)×
Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.
Saturday, 6 Apr 2024, 13:45 to 16:45: Club run and walk, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)×
Meet at 1:45pm for a 2pm start.
Different packs and distances for different abilities.
Sunday, 7 Apr 2024, 07:00 to 14:00: Porirua Grand Traverse, Porirua×
The Porirua Grand Traverse is a vibrant festival of fitness with something for everyone. From the Arena 9k Fun Run/Walk, through to the full 58k Multisport and 48k Duathlon events, and the 10k Paddle, 30k Mountain Bike and 18k Mountain Run, there's a place for you on the start line. Challenge yourself now!
Tuesday, 9 Apr 2024, 18:00 to 19:00: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)×
Updated 17 Mar 2024.
Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.
Saturday, 13 Apr 2024, 12:00 to 15:00: Maiden and Perston club races / afternoon tea to follow at Waiora Hub, Grenada North Park×
Updated 11 Apr 2024.
2024 details below (same as last year):
No sign up required this year - just turn up. If you haven't run with us before please check in with our timing team before the race so they can work out your handicap time.
1200: Help set up course
1400: First race (kids)
15:30: afternoon tea at our clubrooms at Waiora Hub. Please bring a plate (cold food please - we can't heat food at Waiora).
Our first club races for the season - the Maiden and Perston. There will be four races: two for the younger kids (700m and 1km), the Maiden (2km cross country for those who have never won a race before) and the Perston Memorial (2km cross country - same course as the Maiden, but for those who have won a trophy before). The course will be the same as last year's, at Grenada North Park.
We will need club members to help set up the course beforehand and pack it away afterwards - many hands make light work!
The Maiden and Perston Memorial races are sealed handicap - the club handicapper has predictions of everyone's times, and the handicap winners are those who beat their handicap times by the greatest margins.
The first trophies of the year are up for grabs too - awarded to both race winners and handicap winners.
These races will be followed by afternoon tea at the clubrooms. Please bring a plate to share. (Cold food only please! We don't have the facilities to heat food at Waiora.)
And one other thing - these races serve as trials for the Shaw Baton interclub relays held at Battle Hill later in April.
Tuesday, 16 Apr 2024, 18:00 to 19:00: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)×
Updated 17 Mar 2024.
Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.
Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024, 18:00 to 19:00: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)×
Updated 17 Mar 2024.
Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.
The interclub season kicks off with a 4×2km cross country relay.
Battle Hill Farm Park – Pauatahanui, Paekakariki Hill Rd, Porirua, Wellington. (6km north of Pauatahanui General Store). Coming from Wellington, exit the SH1 motorway at Pauatahanui.
2km laps - cross-country
Grass, gravel tracks, mostly flat to undulating with one sharp uphill and downhill. Log jumps and a water jump. Course marked with red and white flags. Go through ‘gate’ when two flags are set together or up to 5 metres either side if flags set alone. Failing to follow correct course may result in disqualification.
Race times
PLEASE NOTE: Age is your age as at 31 December 2024, OR in the case of Masters, age on the day of the event.
The Relays are open to teams from Schools, Colleges and Recreation Runners who are welcome to enter in age/gender grades as above.
Entry protocols – race rules
This year we will be using electronic timing.
Team relay entries must be submitted online by club officials via the online link (this link will be provided in the week before the event). Entries will close 11.59 pm Thursday 25 April 2024. Olympic Harriers members register your interest with this sign up form.
Please use timing batons provided by the race host.
Club teams to wear race letter/numbers as allocated by your club on the front of singlet. Visiting teams please indicate race number to be used on the entry form.
Non-club teams will need to supply letters and/or numbers for respective teams.
No runner may run more than one lap for any A and/or B team across all grades and races.
Next lap runners must enter the start line from the side access, NOT VIA FINISH CHUTE where runners are finishing.
First Aid available.
Toilets available, no changing facilities, come prepared.
Winning team members - please remain for prize-giving which will be immediately after each relay race.
Trophies: Shaw Baton Trophies for:
Shaw Baton trophies for:
Senior Men
Senior Women
Masters Men 35+
Masters Women 35+
Masters Men 50+
Masters Women 50+
Masters Men 60+
Masters Women 60+
Junior Men U20
Junior Women U20
Miniature batons for winning team athletes of above races
Medals for U10 boys and girls scratch race
Medals for winning teams in Boys U16, Girls U16, Boys U14, Girls U14, Boys U12, Girls U12, Mixed U12 and Mixed U12.
Tracy Berghan
Olympic Harriers Secretary
027 414 4398 Contact us form
Tuesday, 30 Apr 2024, 18:00 to 19:00: Form drills and interval training, Waiora Hub (clubrooms)×
Updated 17 Mar 2024.
Tuesdays, 6:30pm to 7:30pm (daylight saving time) and 6:00pm to 7:00pm (after daylight saving finishes) with our coaches Chris Speakman and Rob McCrudden.